
Natural Resource Economics offers original research in a multitude of environmental issues. Here you'll find synopses and links to full research reports.

January 18, 2025

Climate-Economics Issue Brief: Economic Costs from Impacts of Climate Change on Oregon's Children

This report describes evidence that shows climate change harms Oregon's children by increasing their risk of illness, disability, and death, by increasing the probability that, as they become adults, they will experience lower incomes and higher living costs, and by increasing anxiety and fear about their future. Insufficient data currently exist to describe other harms in detail or to estimate the direct health-related costs for today's children.  But, recent research shows some expected lifetime costs for a child born today could total $1 million absent catastrophic impacts from climate change. If current trends are not reined-in, however, global GDP could fall by 50%, with devastating effects on the future prosperity of today's children. 

January 13, 2025

Climate-Economics Issue Brief: Economic Costs to Oregon Households from Climate-Related Deaths

This report describes evidence that shows exposure to wildfire smoke has resulted in the death of 411 Oregonians per year, on average, over the past decade, and the 2021 heatwave resulted in the death of about 350 Oregonians, with economic costs, respectively, of $5.4 billion and $4.6 billion. Averaged over all Oregon households, the costs are $3,200 per household per year, on average, for wildfire-smoke-related deaths, and $2,700 per household for the deaths from the 2021 heatwave. Substantial evidence indicates both types of costs will be higher in the future.  

Update: January 19, 2023.
January 10, 2025

Climate-Economics Issue Brief: Economic Costs to Oregon Households from Exposure to Wildfire Smoke

This report describes the economic costs that Oregon’s households incur from exposure to wildfire smoke, with a focus on data for 2023.

August 2018

This report describes the potential economic costs that Oregon’s households, businesses, communities, and governments will incur in the near future—perhaps in the year ahead, perhaps not until mid-century—if they and their counterparts around the world continue to behave in a business-as-usual manner, so that the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases would continue to grow at rates similar to those seen in recent years.

July 28, 2016

The sale of timber from federal and state lands in western Oregon declined in the 1990s in large part because of resistance to below-cost timber sales, in which sale revenues didn't cover the costs that logging imposed directly on taxpayers and indirectly on non-timber sectors of the economy. Using peer-reviewed research and data recently developed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), this study shows that today's below-cost timber sales are far more severe than those of the 1990s.